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TRAILER: “World War Z” (2013) | Trailer #2

With this trailer, we can now fully appreciate the scale and scope of the film. Still nothing at all like Max Brooks’ book, but it now reveals itself to be an ambitious post-apocalyptic thriller.

The first trailer was posted here back on February 1st. And the novel was reviewed on November 13th of last year. The movie is slated for stateside release on June 21st.

TRAILER: Preview of the Super Bowl spot for “World War Z”

Looks nothing like the book (and we already knew that), but pretty awesome all the same. This is the spot that will be shown during the Super Bowl this Sunday. The film is currently slated for release (in the US) on June 21st.

REVIEW: “World War Z” by Max Brooks (2006)

"An Oral History of the Zombie War"

Four Knives

PUBLISHER: Three Rivers Press (imprint of Crown Publishing Group, division of Random House, Inc.)
LENGTH: 342 pages (paperback edition)
AUDIOBOOK? (Y/N):  Y (abridged CD)
RATING (1-5): 4

SYNOPSIS: This is a survivors’ story, told from the perspective of an unofficial chronicler of the recent zombie apocalypse, using interviews with key figures from a conflict that nearly spelled the end of humanity. Their first-person accounts serve to flesh out the scope and horror of the pandemic, which wiped out a vast cross-section of the human race. Although, in true zombie fashion “wiped out” is a misnomer; get bitten, or partially eaten, and you die… but you then reanimate as a flesh-craving walking corpse. A vaguely supernatural explanation is hinted at, but never confirmed or elaborated upon.
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